What is AltelaRain?

AltelaRain® is a patented modular water desalination/decontamination system that excels at treating highly challenged fluids. AltelaRain® takes the simplest of nature’s processes for purifying water – making rain – and through revolutionary technology recreates that process using low energy and readily available materials compared to conventional high pressure thermal distillation platforms. Accordingly, AltelaRain® provides its customers with lower operating costs and capital costs than competing desalination technologies.

Fast Delivery

Whether you're at home, the office, or any other location

Quality Water

Whether you're at home, the office, or any other location

Support 24/7

Whether you're at home, the office, or any other location

Key Benefits include:

From manufacturing and mining to food and beverage production and pharmaceuticals, Altela has the expertise and experience to deliver tailored solutions that address the unique wastewater treatment needs of industrial facilities.

Ecosystem Preservation:

Effective wastewater treatment helps preserve aquatic ecosystems by reducing the contaminants that enter water bodies. This supports the health of fish, plants, and other aquatic life, contributing to biodiversity .

In some cases, treated wastewater can be used to restore and maintain wetlands and other natural habitats. This can enhance the overall ecological health of an area .

Commercial Installations and Permits

Altela has acquired several precedent-setting reuse permits for commercial installations of the AltelaRain® system. These permits enable the technology to be integrated into various industrial settings, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Reduced Water-Hauling Truck Mileage

The AltelaRain® project aims to significantly decrease the number of water tanker truck miles driven across Pennsylvania by 80%. This reduction is achieved by minimizing the need to transport frac water to off-site disposal facilities, thereby lowering transportation-related emissions and costs

Environmentally Friendly Technology

The AltelaRain® technology mimics nature's rain cycle, making it inherently environmentally friendly. This approach ensures that the treatment process is sustainable and aligns with natural water purification methods


AltelaRain® has significant and noteworthy benefits when compared to competing evaporative platforms including less energy usage, lower capital costs for the equipment and the option to beneficially re-use a clean, distilled water product following purification.

AltelaRain® has been effectively treating complex waste fluids for the past decade. Waters treated to date include frac flowback, produced water, and re-concentrating completion brines from oil & gas operations, landfill leachate, and RO concentrate. In our field operations, we are treating these wastes with TDS levels up to 180,000 mg/L*. These waste streams are processed into a concentrated wastewater stream and a distillate water stream meeting NPDES discharge limitations.

Waste heat, co-gen applications, and alternate fuel sources (for example, landfill gas “LFG”) have the potential to reduce utility costs by as much as 80% – thereby increasing the return on investment. AltelaRain® is unique in its ability to use low level waste heat. The AltelaRain® process is able to utilize waste heat gas and liquid streams with temperature as low as 250°F.